Theatre, Auditorium and Multipurpose Buildings. Murcia

c/ Villanueva del Segura, c/ Torres de Cotillas, c/ Nuevo Trazado. Puerto Lumbreras. Murcia
Martín Lejarraga
Puerto Lumbreras City Council
5.998.514 € €
Superficie construida
9.397,64 m2
Martín Lejarraga's Office
Javier Poveda (Arch.), Ana Belén López (Arch.), Ana Martínez (Arch.), Claudia Montoya (Arch.), Julian Lloret (Draftsman)
Technical Architect
Paco Pérez
David Frutos

The theatre auditorium completes the general and cultural services of Puerto Lumbreras, as well as the urban development of the city. The city has enough demographic conditions and a strategic location that make it a very important place in the region and surroundings.

The Project works on creating a meeting place with several activities, in relation to the cultural actions and leisure activities that take place in Puerto Lumbreras around Theatre, Music and Chorus and Dance groups… It is located in the city centre, and is a big complement for its cultural and touristic life.

The uses are concentrated in the same equipment, besides the theatre; there are other two pavilions for dance, music, and congress and exhibitions halls. This makes this place, a big scale cultural and service centre for the city and surroundings. The complex not only opens for shows in a reduced timetable but it is used as a global service, and it is going to be opened every day to become a reference equipment.

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The theatre is in the centre of the intervention, and next to it are the expansion areas as open-air theatre that uses the scene of the building, a big access square and a public space between the big building (theatre) and pavilions.

The main spaces of the intervention are:

– Main room, with the scene, it can be divided into different spaces from 300 to 600 or 900 people capacity.
– There are small rooms for rehearsing, classes, workshops… completing a dance, music, theatre complex.
– A complementary open-air theatre.
– Multipurpose open areas (exhibitions, meetings…).
– Administration and services area for management.