The proposal focus in a unique point of the plot, leaving free the rest like a great public space, and providing a customized apartments building for the users, which solves their specific necessities, and is complemented with a community and social meeting place. It creates in addition a facility for the elderly and a pleasant space opened to the neighbourhood and the city.
Dwellings are adapted places with an extension beyond the limits of the individual property, having the opportunity to develop complementary activities in the communitarian spaces: accesses, general floor distributor, great common space in level 4, and the upper terrace.
The building arranges the apartments around the common spaces; a reserve of collective space in height where community activities that complement the house ones, are developed. Activities like sunbathing, play zones, meetings, sport zones, etc… and a vegetal cover that acts as a thermal regulator where the occupants can create communitarian gardens and orchards. All these activities contribute to establish social relations between the residents.